Have a look at what I have to offer!

With a variety of unique skills, I have done my best to find new and exciting projects to be a part of.

Examples of posters for Open Mic Night at Barentz pub. Check out my portfolio at www.dribbble.com/jbstrumpa

Hurtigruten Svalbard

Graphic Design | Event Coordination

The team at Hurtigruten set me loose and encouraged me to "be creative". That is exactly what I did! My focus was on engagement online and an enjoyable atmosphere within their establishments. I achieved this by updating existing product photos, planning weekly events, and creating captivating posts for social media.

App design created from experience gathered while embarking on the Daily UI Challenge. Check out my portfolio at dribbble.com/jbstrumpa

Task: Gotham City App

Wireframe | Prototyping | High Fidelity

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Examples of posters for Open Mic Night at Barentz pub. Check out my portfolio on dribbble.com/strumpa

Taken North Podcast

Creator | Producing | Hosting

Have you ever wondered what kind of people live in the northernmost city on the planet? With the help of my partner, I embarked on a journey to meet the unique people living at the end of the world. Collaborating with locals and peers we were able to tell the stories of those living in Svalbard.

App design created from experience gathered while embarking on the Daily UI Challenge. Check out my portfolio at dribbble.com/jbstrumpa

Daily UI Challenge

UI & UX Design | Motion Graphics

Create a new design every day? That’s easy. Wrong, the challenge was hard but rewarding. Designing a new task each day tested my skills and developed my methods. I build products for specific user personas, polished my processes for wireframing and prototyping, and discovered an intrigue for motion graphics.

Images taken from instra account


Product Photo | Travel & Culture

While traveling the world for a few years, my closest companion was my camera. Using light, composition, and contrast to capture a photo or shoot film unlocked my interest in design once again. With my knowledge and interest in design, I have interest in pursuing professional photography.

In need of help?

I would love to join your team!

If you are seeking a new member for your creative team I would love to chat. My skills in design, photography, and knowledge of user experience will become an important asset in developing and communicating products or services with ease to the user and consumer.